Tag Archives: House and Garden

A New Visitor to the Pond

A New Visitor to the Pond

So, I drop Carolyn off at her computer class, pick up a few things at Lowe’s and Target, and head home. . .but as I’m turning into the driveway, I see this big bump. Then it moves. I get out of the van, and it’s a good-sized box turtle! Well! I picked him up and carried him into the back, and plopped him into the stream (not knowing how good a thing it would be to put him in the pond itself.)

I didn’t get a picture, because by the time I’d gone back and finished parking, he’d disappeared somewhere. He might be hiding in the yard, he might have slipped away someplace else. I think he’d be a good addition, seeing that he likes to eat slugs and other icky things, but obviously it’ll be up to him. Maybe he can make friends with the frog.

Power Tools. . .

Power Tools. . .

We have a little wait until the shelving comes in for the studio/garage, so I started cleaning up, rearranging, throwing things out, etc., so that I could patch up the drywall and paint the next couple of walls. This was working out pretty well. We didn’t have to go out and buy anything except joint compound and tape, because we had plenty of drywall scraps and screws, so I started along.

Everything was working out fine for the first two walls, and I was mostly done filling in the dents from screws that wouldn’t be covered with tape.

Not only were the pieces of drywall going up quickly, but all the parts that hadn’t been done right were pretty easy to fix. All thanks to the Makita cordless electric screwdriver. The magnetic bit made it so I could hold up the drywall with one hand and put in the screws with the other. Finishing the screws that the last guy who put up drywall hadn’t gotten all the way in was easy because all I had to do was adjust the clutch tighter and give them a little more push. The tool is heavy, but well-balanced, and we use it for almost every job we do – we have an assortment of drill bits and screwdriver bits, and even a couple of paint mixers. We use it so much that we have a spare battery that we always keep charged so it’s ready all the time. It’s a tool that I’m really glad we own.

Except when it falls on my head.

As a missile, it has its limits, but is still effective when it’s properly paired with gravity. Now, normally I will either remove items from the top of my ladder before I move it, or watch them very carefully as I move it (this is when I know I’m moving it from place to place with no obstacles in between.) This time, though, I simply forgot I had left the drill on the ladder, and one leg of the ladder got snagged on a single sheet of drywall that was lying on the floor. The drill slipped right off, and bounced off my skull on its way to the floor. Yeah, blood, pain, swelling, headache, all that head injury stuff, but I still got off pretty lightly.

Hubby picked up where I left off and finished the taping and the first layer of joint compound. I’ll put up the next layer today. Falling spackle blades are not nearly as hazardous as falling power tools, so I should emerge unscathed.

On My List

On My List

Besides painting. Vacuum. Sew. Apply Frontline to cats. Only four cats. Thinking about that still makes me sad. Write a check for band shoes. These shoes are cheap – maybe I’ll make the kids wear them all the time. I can’t think about much else, because I’m tired and headachey and it’s still raining, and now my ear is hurting sharply again. My tooth, ear, and neck have never stopped being a bother since. . .what, December? Maybe November. It’s been a long time, anyway. It’s just that now there’s pain, not just discomfort or ache. I’m going to campaign for the doctor to send me in for an MRI or a CAT scan, whatever will see inside my head the best.

It’s my birthday today. I didn’t remember until hubby wished me a happy birthday when he called to let me know he’d gotten to the office in one piece. Funny how they mean less and less as time goes on. Maybe I’ll get excited and throw a big party in three years when I hit 50. It’s been so long since I’ve thrown a big party, and I used to be the hostess with the mostest. I’ll practice by starting to plan hubby’s 50th – if I can pull that off, then maybe there’s hope for me again. Heh. My milestones, though, are based more on the kids’ milestones, or other happenings in life. For the girls, there are changes, significant events, new things in their lives each year. Presents and parties and such make sense. Presents don’t make sense for someone who doesn’t need to wait for something she/he needs or wants (except waiting to be able to afford it, of course). Parties for the sake of socializing, parties to mark an event that everyone can celebrate instead of making one person the guest of honor, those seem more appealing to me. I might need to bring back the annual housewarming party. If we ever get a friggin’ mason to actually come through, we can have a new walkway party, the way we had a new driveway party at the old house, but minus the chalk and tricycles, I suppose.

I’m not really as depressed or down as I sound here, just weatherbeaten. Since the systems that bring rain or snow wreak such havoc on my sinuses and give me headaches and affect my sleep (which gives me body aches, too) I just feel icky overall. When I feel like this, I look at clutter, unfinished projects, and even things I actually want to do as oppressive – and feel like running away from them rather than doing anything about them. Once I get started, I’ll be much better. I should probably blog after I get something done, rather than before I get motivated to do it, ya think?