Tag Archives: Toms River

Happy Halloween, Sinners!

Happy Halloween, Sinners!

Well, slowly but surely the kids are making inroads into their halloween candy.� We found something a bit unusual in one of the bags, though. . .


It goes on about the usual stuff – darkness, moaning and groaning, already seems like an eternity on days one, three, and six, none of your friends are there, nobody’s really in a party mood anyway, etc. I tell you, it’s really all about a loving, forgiving god. I was feelin’ the lurve all the way through. But wait! You’re actually reading the tract! That means you still have time to change your ways! Yes, God, unlike that bastige Allah, allows you to accept Jesus as your personal savior right up to the end! In fact, if you act now and fill out the form on the back, you’re set!

You know, these people could have just turned off their porch lights if they don’t like Halloween. Sheesh.

It’s Nice to be Close to the Beach.

It’s Nice to be Close to the Beach.

After a lazy morning (except for the hour long walk to get bagels. . .I walked there, called hubby to pick me and the bagels up!) of reading Sunday papers, having coffee and bagels, and taking Carolyn out for gym sneakers (with a stop at the animal rescue adoption area. . .AWWWKITTENSANDPUPPIES!) we finally managed to get everyone showered and dressed and headed off to Island Beach State Park for the annual Beach Plum Festival.

It was a nice little setup, although we got there too late to actually go pick beach plums. We were glad we’d driven only 20 minutes to get there, not nearly two hours. We wandered around, looked at the craft displays (briefly) and tasted beach plum jam, then headed up to Seaside Heights.

SH was having its seafood festival. Well, it was a lot like Bloomfield’s Harvest Festival, only with more actual crafts and fewer flea market booths, and seafood instead of zeppoles and sausage. We wandered up and down Grant Ave., decided to sit down at the Cantina on the boardwalk and have mexican and margaritas instead of standing and scarfing fried fish and beer. The weather at the beach was a bit cool for bathing suits, what with the stiff breeze and all, and the water looked. . .well. . .nice to look at. So we had a lovely time sitting by the second floor balcony and looking down on it all. Needless to say, getting onto the island, finding parking, and getting back onto the bridge was pretty darned easy.

Now? We’re waiting for the kids to finish practicing their music, and then we’re going to watch “Shaun of the Dead.” We need to get that and “Sin City” back to Netflix asap, because the kids now want to see “Tron” and “The Omen” (the original. I don’t think the remake, despite its meteoric trip from the front pages of the Entertainment section of the paper to obscurity, has made it to DVD yet.) If we get them in the mailbox tomorrow, we’ll have the new ones by Wednesday. I love Netflix.

So Yesterday. . .

So Yesterday. . .

I drove up to Monmouth Feed Co. because they advertised a big sale on pond supplies, and it’s time to start thinking of covering the pond to keep falling leaves out, and giving the fish some protection for the winter. I also needed some more filter media, and just wanted to check the place out. I was very impressed with the prices and the knowledge of the people there, and ended up going with a Pond Palace instead of a heater for winterizing. The initial cost is higher than a floating heater, but it costs less to run, and had a few other advantages. It’s essentially a plastic shelter with fixed louvered sides for circulation of air and water, and a solid top, which I used for a couple of plants – the cattail, zebra grass, and parrot feather fit quite nicely. Around the outside, you snap in a bubbler hose, which connects via a tube to an outside air pump. This provides shelter for the fish from predators, not only because of the plastic top, but also because the bubbles make it harder for birds and such to see them. In addition, it aerates the pond, which helps keep the water cleaner, and provides water movement, which prevents mosquitos from laying eggs. Unlike water circulation, which is bad for fish in winter because it brings the cold surface water down to the bottom, it’s blowing air – keeping the surface from freezing without making the entire pond deadly cold. I’m looking at it and thinking that maybe I should have gotten a weaker pump, but it was a package. The little fish seem to be having a good time with it, though.

After getting all filthy climbing around in the pond, then washing up, then folding laundry and catching up with Project Runway, I’d gone way past the time I was supposed to start cooking dinner, so we drove up to Brick to check out Ikko, which was recommended to me as a good Japanese restaurant. Well, it was OK. I mean, the food was decent, but not up to the quality we’re used to.

Then hubby and I watched “Sin City”. . .it was JUST LIKE watching a moving graphic novel. A grisly graphic novel. With characters that get shot and stabbed and hit by cars, and never stop talking. I learned two things – a movie can be visually interesting, maybe even innovative, and still not really engage you, and second, if it’s not engaging you and you’ve played around enough with image editing, you start thinking “wow, they didn’t grayscale this, they just desaturated, I can tell by the greens and pinks in the highlights” instead of paying attention to the movie.