Garden State

Garden State

I am writing this mere minutes after having finished watching this movie.  IMHO, everyone should see it.  It is a well-acted, well-crafted movie that has a message without being preachy, reaches emotional levels that are rare in most commercial films, and is thoroughly enjoyable.  After our only experience with Natalie Portman being her portrayal of Queen Amidala, we were surprised to see that she had so much talent.  And Zach Braff was amazing.  It’s always good to see people who look like real people in movies nowadays, but throw in the benefit that he developed and grew a character, filled it out and made it real – it was wonderful.  I’m not going to give a plot synopsis.  For that, we have  Just get it and watch it.  I’m thinking that, despite the presence of a couple of age-inappropriate scenes, I’m going to show it to the daughters.  It’s that good.