

My allergies are awful this morning (because it’s beautiful outside, and the flora are celebrating).  I remembered that I was supposed to take out recycling last night by coming home and seeing the recycling truck pass by our house.  We watched “The Man in the Iron Mask” last night, which not only stunned me that Leonardo DiCaprio gets paid to act, but also gave me horrible dreams with John Malkovich all night.  I kept to my points all week, and the Weight Watchers scale said I lost only .6 pounds.  So I’m starting the day all pissy.

After music lessons, we’re heading to the mall to exchange some stuff the kids picked out in the wrong sizes.  Then we’re going to see if we can get the 2nd phone free deal when we sign Carolyn up for her cell phone.  Then the Farmer’s Market and the Library.  So I really have no time to feel sorry for myself.  Maybe that’ll snap me out of it, maybe it’ll just make me more pissy because I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself.  Heh. 

Whatever.  It’s a nice day, I might get out and haul some wood chips around.  Return some phone calls.  Vacuum.  Maybe fit in a nap somewhere in there.