Allyssa and Ashley and friends

Allyssa and Ashley and friends

You just didn’t get it, did you?  My Internet Privacy post was directed specifically at you.  I’m not a sick person or a pedophile or a criminal or anything like that, but what if I were?  Your IP addresses show where you are, and that you are students.  Ashley, for heaven’s sake, you left your real first and last name!  I look at my activity log daily, and I know that not only are people looking for a porn star who (unfortunately) shares my name, but also some of the folks who look at the pictures are specifically looking for images of children (based on their originating IPs or search terms)  It would take NOTHING for a wack job to track you down.  NOTHING!  You need to be much more careful in this day and age, and consider yourselves lucky that all >I< did in response to your silly comments was forward them to the administrator of your school computer network, and delete the posts.  You’ll be better served not only on the Internet, but in life in general, if you never say anything about anyone that you wouldn’t say right to their face.