Surfing Around. . .

Surfing Around. . .

I found two videos by a well-fed and poorly dressed fundie explaining 1. that the word dinosaur comes from “dyna”, like dynamite, “to explode” and “saur”, meaning “lizard”. This explains that the dinosaurs disappeared because they exploded. 2. that the continents did not drift, and that plate tectonics is a lie – the earth was actually like a big balloon, and when it got filled up and expanded, the continents came apart and the rest of the earth got covered with water. He stuck paper continents on a big balloon and blew it up and deflated it several times to demonstrate. I’m convinced. . .

I also discovered that there are about 10 junior sized sewing patterns out there that aren’t vintage on ebay. I was really hoping to find a couple so I could avoid the major alterations on children’s patterns or drafting patterns from scratch, but it’s just not going to happen. Apparently, girls and boys between the ages of 12 and 20 just don’t wear clothes. OK, they don’t wear home sewn clothes. *sigh* There’s very little on the racks, though, that’s the right size that doesn’t look either way too juvenile or way too adult for the girls. I’d like to get them into something besides jeans and tees every once in a while.