It’s Almost Over. . .

It’s Almost Over. . .

I went to the endodontist yesterday.

He loaded me up with novocaine, took out the heavy-duty dental tools, and excavated my tooth right up into the bone. By about 8 last night, the glands in my neck had shrunk down to normal size, and the pain in my temple and eye were gone. My ear still feels a little uncomfortable today, but the tooth pain is almost nonexistent.

The worst of it is the wicked awful headache.

I spent an hour and a half in the chair, and there were a couple of points where the novocaine wasn’t quite enough, so I was tensed up for most of it. Add in that I was getting serious grinding and drilling, and you have the makings of just the kind of pain I have. But it’s nothing like before, and I know it’ll get better now, because the abcess is out. I don’t want to have to use the Percocet this weekend, but I will if I have to.

Tuesday everything gets cleaned up and sealed, and Wednesday I go to a new GP to see if the ear has managed to escape an infection of its own.

I can hardly wait to start feeling normal again, and get something done during the day other than napping and popping pain pills.