What the Heck is Wrong with Me?

What the Heck is Wrong with Me?

I wish I knew so I could make it stop. Sheesh. I’ve had a headache every day, I think it’s more than a week now. Very much like my “weather’s coming” headache, but with some extra achey spots. My muscles up and down my back are sore as if I had a fever, but there’s no fever. Pressure and pain in my right inner ear and down into the hollow under my jaw – the same pain that the dental work had taken care of before. It’s the exhaustion that’s driving me crazy, though. Even on the nights that I sleep pretty well (meaning I don’t have to take a pill after tossing and turning for an hour, and maybe don’t even have to take a second one between 3 and 4 because I can’t get BACK to sleep) I feel like I hardly slept at all. Last night I woke up a lot, but fell back to sleep easily each time. But when I woke up at 7-something, I felt like the room was spinning around me. I went back to bed after breakfast, looked at the clock at 9:40, and before I could finish thinking “I should get up now” I was off again. at 10:20, I managed to haul myself out, but I can tell you right now that if I laid down again, I’d be unconscious again for hours. I guess I need to call the doctor again. *sigh*