More Plaaaaants!

More Plaaaaants!

I went to visit Mom yesterday. She had gotten some lovely rosebushes for us as a gift (they’ll get their own bed in the front yard) so I headed down to visit her and pick them up. There is also a wonderful garden center near her in Cherry Hill on Kresson Road called McNaughton’s Nursery. They have the most beautiful selection of pots, lovely well-cared for plants, and the prices are among the best I’ve seen. Mom thinks they’re expensive, but she doesn’t have the basis for comparison that I do. I picked up a few more things to plant in back. After lunch, I went into her shade garden and dug up several varieties of hostas, ferns, nettle, and wild hyacinth.

It took me a while to get my treasures home because I stopped at the Wegman’s in Moorestown on the way back (Tuesday is grocery shopping day, might as well do it on the same trip!) but as soon as I’d finished dinner I planted the things I’d dug up. A plant is a lot more traumatized when it’s dug up than when it’s still in its pot but in a new place. Except for hostas. Nothing can traumatize a hosta. Dig ’em up, cut the roots with a big sharp knife, plop ’em into some random hole, and they come up like nothing happened. Anywho, I finished this in the dark, about 8:30, so the potted plants will go in the ground today. Then I’ll take more pictures.

I have to keep busy, because the glass guys are supposed to come today and replace all the window panes. These are double-pane, nondivided, and the ones we have are almost opaque because the seals were compromised so many years ago. After all the work I’m doing in the back, it’ll be nice to finally be able to see it from the kitchen. Oh happy day!