Tracking Back Referrals

Tracking Back Referrals

Sometimes it’s interesting to go and click on the referrals that brought people to your blog. You can be led to some interesting sites, maybe pick up on another like-minded blogger, or you can end up someplace that is just. . .loony.

My post on Evil Embryos showed up on the same search as the Pro-Life League’s Pro-Life Site for Students, and I went to check it out for a laugh. Well, it’s no laughing matter. This site is nucking futs. Now, I’m hoping someone can explain this first part to me:

God Made Us to Share The Beatific Vision In Him For All Eternity.

Abortion Is The Murder of An Unborn Soul With The Stain of Original Sin On Its Soul.

This Denies The Unborn of The Beatific Vision!

How Hard Will WE Pray to Stop The Killing of 4,000 Unborn Souls a Day?

First of all, St. John The Baptist Pro Life League is a spiritual league based on prayer and penance. Anyone can be a member (click here for our membership pledge) who voluntarily recites a minimum of five decades of the Holy Rosary daily with the intention of stopping abortion and reserves one day of the week for at least one act of penance for the same intention. (Note: The above requirements are not binding under pain of sin. )

Second, St. John The Baptist Pro Life League encourages action. Public prayer at the abortion mill is very powerful and meritorious. You can join the many protesors at tlocal abortion mills for the recitation of the fifteen decades of the Rosary to stop abortion.

I’ve never had more than a vague understanding of “The Rosary” as a prayer that’s said a certain number of times and counted with beads. What is this “decades” stuff? I certainly hope it’s just a number of repetitions – like five decades a day would be 50 times, right? It would be ridiculous to promise to say it every day for 50 years, because you never know what could happen. Thank goodness for the disclaimer! To think that you’d be punished and sent to hell if you got hit by a bus before you’d finished the whole 50 years. . .but then, the protestors at the clinic are doing only 15 years. What’s up with that? Obviously, I’m missing something essential.

The basic irony is, to a practical mind, the idea that this mindless repetition in private and public will cause the big man in the sky to eliminate abortion. It doesn’t say how, though. Will he implant the idea in every elected official in the world to outlaw it? That wouldn’t be enough, it would just make kitchen table abortions more common. Maybe he would magically render people who didn’t want children infertile. Now that would be a practical thing, good all around, which is why he wouldn’t do it. It would be more like a natural disaster where people in random masses found themselves sterile, forever and ever. That way he could show his wrath about abortion without actually eliminating it, and the abortion protestors would still have a hobby afterwards. I cannot conceive of a single thing that a deity could do that would actually stop abortion, and I certainly can’t see how saying some words over and over and over will give him or her or it any ideas. They might as well stand around singing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”. Actually, that’s kind of an amusing picture. Buncha people standing outside a clinic yelling “DA-DA DA-DA-DA-DA-DA!!!!!” for hours. Heh. They encourage “action”, and that’s really what this kind of “action” boils down to.

Now, for a little clarification on the driving force behind this group, I checked out their FAQ on whether aborted babies go to heaven Well, as it turns out, they provide INFALLIBLE information that they don’t, because they’re not baptized. They cite several INFALLIBLE sources that provide INFALLIBLE proof that those little zygote souls are going straight to hell. Of course, this information is wrong, according to the newly INFALLIBLE Pope Benedict. If it weren’t such a dull and depressing site, I’d go back to check every once in a while to see if they update any of their INFALLIBLE information to reflect the NEW INFALLIBLE decrees.

Amusingly enough, on the same page it insists that Catholic baptism with “pure, natural water” is necessary, so bunches and bunches of these babies are going to hell anyway even if they’re not aborted. So what’s the big deal? You can pray and pray and pray, and even if your prayer stops the abortion, the non-Catholic kid is still Hell-bound. Why bother?

Wander about the site, if you dare, and you’ll see multiple condemnations of abortions and the women who have them. The only men who are criticized are, of course, doctors who perform abortions. Nowhere will you see any real, practical advice for preventing abortion except for abstinence until marriage. (Needless to say, once you’re married, you’re not allowed to have them, either, or use birth control to prevent pregnancy. Keep poppin’ out them puppies, shut up and DEAL, bitch.) You’ll find that abortion is to blame for a huge number of social ills, many of which have existed well before legal abortion, all of which would still exist were it made illegal, and each one pretty much deceitfully connected to abortion via an ideological Rube Goldberg device. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

Yeah, it is all of the stuff you’ve seen before from protestors who live in their own magical little world of dogma and absolutes, but it’s concentrated in one place. I think that’s what astounded me the most. I can deal with the individual segments of anti-abortion lunacy one at a time, but seeing it packed all together at once, seeing all the arguments supported by equally baseless arguments and Orwellian speech (God shows his love and mercy by sending babysouls to eternal damnation and such) just made my head hurt. None of it makes sense to the unindoctrinated, and it’s like arguing whether the Invisible Pink Unicorn has blue eyes or green eyes, or if there’s a place for ninjas in Pastafarianism. People like this want our laws to reflect their religion, but how can we have a workable system of laws if its basis makes no sense in reality? How could lawyers and legislators keep up with what was infallible last week and the newly infallible proclamations of this week that contradict the previously infallible ones? And if they can’t, you can be sure that Joe Schmo won’t be able to either, unless he just stops using his brain for anything but maintaining vital bodily functions. Like impregnating his wife. Again. Ouch.