Random Stuff

Random Stuff

There was nothing wrong with the washer. Yet.

I’ve been putting more miles on the van with this marching band stuff than I have in ages.

We were catching up on Daily Show and Colbert Report. The guy who wrote the book on China told Jon Stewart about how religion was growing over there as communism became less stringent, and hubby and I wondered why this was supposed to be a good thing. Colbert interviewed Michael Behe, and missed numerous opportunities to rake him over the coals.

I still haven’t caulked, spackled, or primed. I have too much laundry to fold in the room, so I can’t get to the walls.

I’m waiting for two different masons to show up, since the first two never did. I might have to learn to pour concrete myself at this rate.

It’s so miserable out here that my glasses fog up as soon as I leave the house. I wish it would rain and get it over with!

So, with so many things left to do, and so much in the world that irritates me, I’m going to take a break and play with my clay and make a piece or two of jewelry. I’ll feel a little more refreshed and ready to deal with all the other stuff.