More Intelligent Design!!!!

More Intelligent Design!!!!

OK, so the Kansas Board of Education has not only voted to include ID in the science curriculum, but. . .get this. . .redefined “science” so that ID could legitimately be taught.  Think of the possibilities!  Not only does the new definition allow for far more variety in the science curriculum (for example, ghosts and alien abductions now fit the bill – so much more fun than chemistry, too!) but it also means that scads of obstacles can now be removed simply be redefining them!  Can’t balance your checkbook?  Redefine “math”.  Having trouble with your weight?  Redefine “obesity”.  A whole world of possibilities opens up simply by redefining other school subjects, like history, literature, heck – phys ed will even be fun!  The standards for things like art and music can be changed to suit whoever’s in charge, and foreign languages will be a breeze after all we have to do is speak english really, really loudly and slowly and add an “o” to the end of every word.  It’s a new world order, folks, and if you thought American education was behind that of other developed nations’, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!